One Of The Last Real Ones To Do It
Honestly I think Biden legit might have to step down as president as well and that might be why he doesn’t want to do it. Clearly Pelosi, Schumer, and Jeffries have lost their damn minds if they have people out here saying they want to redo the primaries. The only way to circumvent it, and get people over the fact there is a woman president is to step down and make her the president and let her inherit everything.At this point, Biden resigns the Presidency to Kamala, making her the 47th and first female president is the only way to do it both legally and politically sufficient.
It's like they are ignoring they had a whole primary process where millions of people didn't take time to vote for the Biden/Harris Ticket. It is unprecedented and politically foolish to install a new nominee without either Biden or Harris on top of the ticket. It will be slap in the face of democracy if they do some other nonsense.
Plus dropping Biden for Harris doesn't make sense politically or electoral map wise cause Harris is not going to do markedly better than Biden in those swing states that will decide the election.
This democratic bedwetting is just unbelievable, all because they are terrified of a second Trump presidency.Trump has a ceiling, Independents don't like him and Suburban White women don't, he will crash out in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan for sure because of this. North Carolina is in play for the democrats. Georgia and Arizona may still be too.
Polls mean nothing in July and frankly eans nothing overall, they are not scientific, really they learned nothing from 2016.
What they are doing is just weakening themselves for November. It's just astonishing how foolish this whole thing is with the democrats.
Democrats need to stop bedwetting, congressmen and women need to roll up their sleeves hit the ground campaigning, run ads 24/7 in all swing states replaying the lowlights of the first Trump Presidency, the Dobbs and Chevron decisions with the corruption and unruly conservative Supreme Court as well as just the GOP's hypocrisy over the past two decades (including how they tanked a bipartisan immigration bill only to help the Trump campaign in 2024) .
You need to remind the people how terrible Trump and the Republicans are.
He says fukk it and continues to run and assumes that the party falls in line at the convention.