Adam Schiff is a fukkin p*ssyfukk this dude.
He’s one of the few people on earth that had a real chance to take trump out and he acted a hoe about it.
Have zero interest in his opinion in 2024![]()
Trump's shooting being about a right wing extremist instead of a leftist has allowed dems to keep focused on the race. They just gotta prevent the DNC from speeding this shyt up. I'd imagine Nancy Pelosi will either publicly announce Biden should drop out or meet with him at the WH.
Thesw guys wanna destabilise your country in ways your geopolitical opponents could only dream
The Dems see black peoples as useful dummies and the GOP see non wealthy black peoples as opps. Biden especially.It’s deeper than that, you got one party that see’s black people as it’s base and then you got another party that say anything black people want is them acting like they are victims, in order to advance.
He created a convoluted and means tested system that was shut down by the SC. I’m no constitutional scholar, but I do wonder if he could have gotten it through if he just said 30k forgiven for everyone? But again, “I get things done,” didn’t get things done.My biggest beef with Biden was college loans in 2020, but the motherfukker tried until the SC overstepped AND lowkey Biden has saved me thousands of dollars over the last few years by either extending and suspending college loan payments. Them shyts are suspended right now, just in time for Prime Day.
Criticizing the president ain’t MAGA. We lose because we demand nothing of these people we vote in office and pay six figures.So you MAGA fukks can say what you want, I know who looked out and who aint did shyt, so you ain’t convincing me on shyt.
Im a misanthrope so I expect the worst from humanity I'm too far gone to come back cause I've seen and experienced horrors. Don't let it consume you like it did me. "Despair is the enemies' great weapon. Do not let them wield it".Jesus Christ
Yo I'm about to log off
I can already see the excusesIf Trump loses this will be a bigger L for the media, pollsters and pundits ever. Even worse than 2016.