This idea that people expect Joe Biden to come out and cut a wrestling promo shytting on
trump is ridiculous, NO ONE has stated that.
However, pretending there is any decorum left (or that it ever really existed) in American politics is
also a farce that anyone with two fukking brain cells to rub together can see through.
There's also an irony to it because the soft criticism WILL return once this assassination attempt falls out
of the daily news cycle and the only people left are the DNC fanboys/gals who read smoke signals in Dem tweets
and take every burn/gotcha to it's logical extreme and unironically parrot goofy shyt like "Dark Brandon".
This is without a doubt pointless grandstanding that WILL NOT unite and obviously divided nation.
Especially when either half has taken to Alex Jones-esque conspiracy theory crafting.
Whether it's the Dems seen as attempting to assassinate Trump to cover up their pedophilia fueled cabals
The Republicans being seen as Russians or the Chinese by proxy and they are just pawns intent on
doing "Anything they have to do to win" up to and including invoking crisis actors, false flags and faked assassination attempts.