It was a good Press Conference but I do not expect the media to be objective on Biden, they've already showed their hand these last two weeks. Donald Trump has shown more mental decline and it's not even close. Trump could never speak on Foreign policy that detailed, that long and be that informative as Biden just did. There were mistakes, he's human and not a robot but I understood him clearly. These last 14 days is nothing more than a Media Hit Job for ratings.
The clout chasing Dems calling for Biden to step down have ZERO plan Legally or Logistically and are still trying to play Fantasy Football with Democracy. Also Early Voting starts in September so y'all miracle Fantasy Football team would only have a Month and half before voting begins not 4 months. LOL @ calling for removing an Incumbent President during an Election with 4 months to go with no real plan. I said what I said, it's ridiculous. (The last time the Dems switched late, Nixon won in two landslides. These people have no plan, they just have emotions and feelings.)