It is Biden's fault. The man can barely put forth sentences at 82 years old
it's biden's fault for covering up his condition, and seeking a second term until he's 86 years old. something that we all knew since 2020 was not something that should have ever been done. 2021-2024 could have been the greatest 4 years in american history, and it wouldnt have changed the fact that no one should EVER be president into their mid 80s. that's what's so embarrassing about dems trying to tout biden's accomplishments; they don't really matter.
he didn't
have to seek a second term, he could have just fukking been content with his 1 term

a simple announcement, right after the midterms. a real primary in 2023. and right now, we're probably all laughing at how the next-generation nominee is beating trump 50-40 in every poll. instead of this godawful trainwreck caused by the hubris of one man, and his corrupt family