True Blue Moon
Trump has definitely shown time and time again that he's incapable of putting his ego to the side even when things are stacked in his favor. The ace in the hole in all of this is that he has plenty of time to shoot himself in the foot. He's 100% the dude that will do something stupid and fumble instead of taking a knee and winning the game.As someone who grew up in PA, I agree. Trump's win in PA in 2016 was a fluke due to Clinton's arrogance.
The crazy thing about this race is it has the potential to be a cross between 1948 and 2016. Trump's ego and arrogance is going to give in and he'll be doing Kendrick Lamar-like victory laps months ahead of time without solving the massive problem he has of him being absolutely toxic to anyone that isn't a Trumpanzee. Many people, including me will vote for Biden being Weekend at Bernie'd over someone who is a threat to freedom in this country.