Joe Biden is a WOAT tier politician. 

How is Joe going to overcome the Republican negative attack ads of his own party turning against him? He literally needs to defeat father time in order to invalidate what has happened the past week.Like it or not we gonna have to drag joes old ass over the finish line. Nut up or shut up. I prefer not to find out how 2024 nazi germany would be for a black man
Biden could drop to the floor convulsing and y'all would be saying he's just doing the funky chicken
I've had elder family members exhibit the same symptoms that Biden is exhibiting. You do not need to be a neurologist or psychiatrist to say an 81 year old man who is getting confused, losing trains of thought and slurring his words is going through advanced neurological deterioration.
Even if Biden literally dropped dead tomorrow I still think it could be worth voting for his dead body over Trump. But y'all need to be honest about the actual situation and stop trying to sugarcoat what we're all seeing with our eyes. You have to be a total sucker to think what we saw at the debate was a statistical outlier of one bad night.
Why are ya'll trying to make us think we're crazy for having our own eyes? You don't have to be a psychologist to see that he's a very old man, and he's declined sharply the past 5 years. He sounds how my grandpa did shortly before he died. He could talk but it was like the volume on his voice was permanently turned down. Just watch the video below.
Again, I'm voting blue no matter who it is, but why the push back for stating the super obvious fact that Biden is elderly and clearly not functioning mentally as well as a President should be.
Biden is too fukking old. He can't do an hour presser. His brain is it on monday
one hour press conference. no scripting, just deliver some remarks, and take a half hour of questions from reporters, the way trump used to do. if he passes the test, stick with him. if he doesn't, ditch him
A couple cases in your family you say, huh? Were they your actual patients too? Please tell us more about the tests and evaluations you ran on them.
Did you have any non family members as your patients in your illustrious medical career? because it seems like you have a stratified sample there (assuming you didn't just conjure up your bloodline to win a debate here, I'm really trusting you bro). Did your other patients display the same symptoms?
Would you say different types of dementia can affect people differently, and certain people will experience symptoms in their own way? Is a person with an old sounding voice and a stutter a clear sign of dementia?
Matter of fact what type of Doctor are you again?
The only way I'll trust your Dementia diagnosis is if it's backed by professional experience. Asking someone to do the opposite is bombastic![]()
I've been against the concept of Biden when he was an initial candidate early in the process last time and am still in holding my nose mode and am disgusted by the entire governments actions on the genocide.
Having said that some of yall enjoying this a bit too much. Niccas practically giddey with excitement over what? There are no positive alternatives to this. Your either going to get another milquetoast democrat or a republican. So I don't understand the glee.