and frankly, being the first lady is not really a great qualification. yeah, of course she could do the job, but i feel like if it ever became real, a lot of people wouldat the idea. hillary at least carpetbagged her way to an NY Senate seat before she ran
I dunno, I feel like it's happened in a lot of other countries. Off the top of my head, Phillippines, Pakistan, India, and Argentina have all had first ladies who then became Prime Minister. People who oppose her would raise a fuss of course, but her supporters would just ignore them.
[Edit: Google says it's also happened in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Guyana too, and actually happened twice in Argentina.]
From a practical standpoint, I don't think being a First Lady is really any less of a qualification than being a typical vice-president or a low-level senator. In all of those cases, you get an intimate picture of the day-to-day issues the president is dealing with, but you have very little actual power or responsibility in any of it. In fact, pretty sure Elenor Roosevelt had more power than almost any vice-president did. In terms of elected politicians, I think it's mostly just govenors and very high-level senators who have actual practical experience in dealing with the same issues the president deals with.
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