King Kreole
natural blondie like goku
@King Kreole Can you explain why Syrian girl (who is a LARGE pro palestine account on twitter) regularly rubs shoulders with Richard Spencer?

It makes no difference to the truth of the matter. During the Cold War the Soviet Union produced a ton of anti-racist propaganda films and material calling out Jim Crow and the deep, structural racism at the heart of American society. Did the fact that it came from America's enemies make it less true? Was the appropriate response by the black folk of the time and their supporters across the world to ignore these facts and salute Uncle Sam because it was coming from the Soviets? Are these alleged Arab Alt-Right twitter accounts actually wrong about the atrocities Israel is committing with American support? If Joe Biden is giving political and material support to the Zionist regime to commit war crimes with, why should the person pointing out this truth matter? Classic ad hominem. It's the same two-step Liberals did when they tried to pin the Black Lives Matter and George Floyd protests on Russian disinformation because they were harmful to the modern Democratic core message of "America is a fundamentally just and good place!", so to acknowledge the validity at the heart of those movements would be to indict the very system that these Liberals rely on for their identity as "good people".