It's really important to understand how to toe the line on being yourself in politics to make a name for yourself and representing the people that voted for you.From everything I've heard from my friends that live in Missouri and primarily Bush's district. Bush wasn't as popular as Tlaib. Bell didn't have the "Internet" cred that Bush did, but he definitely had a strong local/ground game. Many people I know didn't like Cori at all. Unless Tlaib is equally vulnerable in her district unless a Trump win, means he fukked her district beyond recognition. She likely won't suffer a consequence win or lose for Kamala.
There are going to be so many people 10 years from now that will pretend / deny voting for Trump…hell a lot of them don’t want to admit it right now.
I work with a lot of these types on Wall StreetJust like GWB. Somehow he got all them votes but after the Iraq and Afghanistan, Katrina, and the GFC suddenly nobody claimed to be a Bush Republican.
Arnold Palmer makes a cameo appearance
It’s crazy Trump thinks continually threatening the daughter of an establishment Republican is a good move politically
There are going to be so many people 10 years from now that will pretend / deny voting for Trump…hell a lot of them don’t want to admit it right now.
You've tried to get this one off 7 or 8 times now. Are the horses particularly violent in your village in Romania or what?Yes, I did a poll and 9/10 ivory tower intellectuals believe you really need to get that head injury checked out.
Arnold Palmer makes a cameo appearance
Damn Breh. I haven't even thought about that. I know quite a few people who have made "being Trump guys" their entire personality or the "I just do this in group chat...i'm not really this kind of a$$hole Trump Supporter" Who are going to be like nah man, I never was a Trump guy. Can't believe he ever got a stronghold over the Country.For sure. The only mystery is what they'll say to brush over it though.
It reminds me of all of the current maga people who are so against war these days when 10 - 20 years ago they were all about "supporting our troops" with their stupid magnets and willingness to believe Iraq had wmds.
Rashida is loved in her district. I’ve been there. She isn’t losing a primary esp with redistrictingFrom everything I've heard from my friends that live in Missouri and primarily Bush's district. Bush wasn't as popular as Tlaib. Bell didn't have the "Internet" cred that Bush did, but he definitely had a strong local/ground game. Many people I know didn't like Cori at all. Unless Tlaib is equally vulnerable in her district unless a Trump win, means he fukked her district beyond recognition. She likely won't suffer a consequence win or lose for Kamala.
Some of them even in this very threadThere are going to be so many people 10 years from now that will pretend / deny voting for Trump…hell a lot of them don’t want to admit it right now.