New Hope For the HaveNotz
Did Trump have to contend with October 7th?Harris has made multiple foreign policy comments and prescriptions that indicate what she would likely do if voted into office. She herself has said she signs off on Biden's foreign policy and wouldn't do anything different. You can't claim all her commentary and campaign statements are off the table and invalid because she isn't the one setting foreign policy right now and then turn around and use Trump's commentary as valid insight into what he'll do in office. I haven't seen one person on any end of the political spectrum seriously argue that Trump will be pro-Palestinian, so I don't know why you keep making arguments with that strawman. You're just mad that your fearmongering isn't working because the alternative you're supporting is actively committing horrors right now. The anti-Trump argument on this issue would be a lot more persuasive if Biden wasn't currently doing worse things than Trump ever did, with Kamala's backing.
Didn’t Trump say that Bibi told him Biden is holding him(Bibi) back from doing what he really wants to do?
Things can get a lot worse and you would have to be dishonest to say otherwise

Trump: Biden is Too Tough on Netanyahu
The Republican presidential candidate ridiculously claimed that Biden is “trying to hold” Bibi back, as the Israeli prime minister continued to ruthlessly bomb Lebanon and Gaza.