1/Looking increasingly like Musk is setting up the option to pursue a Russia-backed TEXIT strategy. One possible scenario is to spark a deep rift (over the election, perhaps), have Texas secede, but also claim the mantle of “the real America.”
[Quoted tweet]
Elon Musk quietly created two new entities this month — one called "United States of America Inc," which names him as its sole director.
This follows his $75M America PAC donations, dark money reports and the "government efficiency commission."
2/More background on the long-festering, Russia-backed Texit plan here.
To Texas With Love: What Russia's support of TEXIT tells us about the frayed nature of U.S. politics
3/Steady drumbeat of this crap from Musk and his proxies over the last year. Promises to “Fight for America,” while basing all his assets in Texas and doing his best to capture government there. Pay attention.
4/First the America handle, then America? Looking plausible.
“Elon Musk takes over ‘America’ handle on X to promote pro-Trump PAC: report”
Elon Musk takes over ‘America’ handle on X to promote pro-Trump PAC: report
5/I wrote in more detail about Musk and TEXIT a few weeks ago, but these new developments add further evidence in this direction.
[Quoted tweet]

Elon Musk: A Dangerous ‘Evolution’
Has the X owner simply lost his marbles or been ‘radicalised’ by his own platform? @davetroy traces his beliefs and behaviour to paint an altogether more concerning picture of Musk’s political and cultural journey
6/Also note re: his filing of United States of America, Inc. that he has said, “government is just a corporation at the limit,” borrowing a math term suggesting government is just an infinitely large corporation. He says that and many other idiotic things here.
7/For the record: a TEXIT effort doesn't need to be successful to cause damage. Even starting down this path is enough to cause chaos, and because it would likely be done in an unconstitutional way, it isn't possible to know how it would play out. Best to be forewarned.
8/And I would bet that Greg Abbott, Ken Paxton, Elon Musk, and Daniel Miller (the TEXIT guy) would be the ones at the forefront of this. Along with any CSPOA allies that they can round up. Also would anticipate people "moving to Texas" to be "part of this."
9/Abbott, Paxton, Musk start making declarations of secession. "Allies" start moving to (and supporting) Texas. Conflict and chaos ensue. Then you see what's possible once that scenario is in place. Repeat. A road into the unknown.
10/Recall that Abbott has already challenged the Federal government’s authority this year. Expect border autonomy to be the rallying cry, should this come together. This isn’t hard to see.
Texas Gov Abbott defies Biden administration amid border battle over island used by cartels
11/And I would encourage folks to focus more on this as part of a Putin-led strategy to destabilize and then dissolve the United States than to obsess on the specific mechanics of Texas secession. If they pursue this, it will be the tip of a spear.
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