She's really given herself the space to open the rolodex and extend beyond "moderate" Republicans like Kinzinger because based on her immigration policy/approach, she could appoint a median MAGA Republican as Secretary of Homeland Security who would faithfully execute her policy. And based on her hawkish stance towards Iran, there are a whole host of median Republicans who would love the chance to put the screws to the Ayatollah.
I feel like we had this argument months ago and you just ignored how many basic cabinet seats could go to Generic Moderate Republican without anyone caring. Nobody cares if Lisa Murkowski becomes Secretary Of The Interior, or some republican becomes Transportation Secretary. Literally nobody gives a shyt about this beyond a handful of gripers on the internet.
My issue is simply that it lines up with Kamala and the party's approach to a lot of things: if we put someone in your face who looks like you (in this case, republicans), you'll be happy. Doesn't matter that this republican would almost certainly have the least consequential cabinet position imaginable.
My only concerns about a Kamala cabinet; Blinken should be shytcanned immediately, and Tom Vilsack gotta go. And get Garland out of DOJ. I'm sure she will pick her own people regardless but if just about everyone else stayed outside of those three I'd be fine with it.