While most of my family supports Kamala and Democrats, there are few idiots who support or like Trump (thankfully some of them don't vote).Good friend of our family, their daughter. She's young, beautiful, college degree and works in HR and she came out saying she will vote for trump. Floored me because I used to talk to her all the time and she never once showed any indication she was a trumper or would stoop to voting for such a creature.
I have a cousin that likes Trump simply because she thinks that he's "funny". That's it

Other bullsh!t that I have heard from the Trumpers in my fam are:
"Democrats only care about gay people"
"Kamala locked up Black men, Trump did XYZ for Black people"
"Obama did nothing for us; Kamala won't do anything either"
"I heard that Kamala's dad isn't Black"
It's so frustrating