#RoevemberIsComing trending on twitter
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In an unusual move, the five major broadcast and cable news networks have prepared a joint open letter that urges President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump to participate in televised debates ahead of Election Day, according to two people with direct knowledge of their plans.
The letter — endorsed by ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC and Fox News — thrusts into public view a question that has swirled within media and political circles: whether the presidential debates, one of the nation’s last remaining mass civic rituals in a polarized age, will occur this year at all.
look at these whores, begging for ratings
So Glenn Youngkin didn’t learn his lesson from 2022 huh
Veto’ing birth control? Yeah this clown will be a one term Governor, times up homie Nov 2025 right around the corner
these dudes are really going all in on crashing out over abortion, huh
DNyuz - Latest Breaking U.S. News
Latest Breaking News, U.S. and World Politics, Crime, Business, Science, Technology, Autos, Entertainment, Culture, Movie, Music, Sports.dnyuz.com
In an unusual move, the five major broadcast and cable news networks have prepared a joint open letter that urges President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump to participate in televised debates ahead of Election Day, according to two people with direct knowledge of their plans.
The letter — endorsed by ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC and Fox News — thrusts into public view a question that has swirled within media and political circles: whether the presidential debates, one of the nation’s last remaining mass civic rituals in a polarized age, will occur this year at all.
look at these whores, begging for ratings
no mercy
Give the current Republican controlled SCOTUS time and they'll overturn the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment, and the Civil Rights Act.This is why I kept arguing with dude about the Republican Party ability to change. Mfkers banned abortion based on a law from 1864. 18 fukking 64.
shyt bout to get uglier than a Donald Trump sneaker for MAGA this fallThat’s what you call a blowout
More evidence of a complete collapse of the polling industry. You cannot publish a poll this bad, it makes no sense.