Secure Da Bag
Luke is a Republican? Really? Or did someone drop a crazy bag on him?
Luke is a Republican? Really? Or did someone drop a crazy bag on him?
Luke is a Republican? Really? Or did someone drop a crazy bag on him?
Im saying. What policy have they had in years cept railing against minorities and stripping workers rightsI keep hearing the media and republicans saying Trump needs to stay on message and policy. What fukking message or policy does he havehe’s been saying the same shyt for almost 10 years now.
I would much prefer a format like the NYT and Des Moines Register roundtables from the 2020 Democratic Primary. Get esteemed print journalists from reputable newspapers/outlets (so no TV actors like Tapper or Baier or Stephanopoulos) to ask pointed, direct, nuanced questions regarding their area of expertise. 1 hour. No commercial breaks. Facebook and Google killed newspapers and allowed these dumbass TV debates and press conferences to dumb down the national discourse.She should do high profile interivews with serious people. (60 minutes, Network Nightly news etc).
Press conferences i've always complained are a shyt show. Reporters yelling questions that the viewer can't hear, no follow ups because the next reporter is going to ask a totally unrelated question, gotcha questions etc.
It's such a bizzare way to get information to the public.
Is she framing her campaign as a 2nd term of the Biden administration? Top officials/surrogates for her campaign have been signalling she's gonna make a swift break from his economic populism agenda and be friendlier to big business. These rumours have been allowed to fester because she's refused to address policy in a serious, thorough manner so far. The campaign is riding off an unprecedented ratio of vibes-to-substance, but it's working for them and as you point out she probably only has room to slip up by campaigning more substantively. So of course her campaign is going to try keep her in bubble wrap for as long as possible. It's the job of journalists and civic-minded people to push back against that effort and make it as hard as possible for them to keep doing that.Re: Kamala not doing any interviews/pressers/policy statements
it does feel antithetical to a functioning democracy at a glance (that's how I felt when I started typing) but now, I think it makes more sense when her campaign is framed more as continuation/2nd term of the Biden administration as opposed to a completely new direction.
I heard somewhere that since the vast majority of the Democratic party are aligned on abortion protection et al, she can present herself as a generic democrat and doesn't need to speak on new policy as much as protecting existing policy.
The only stumble she's made (imo) over the last month is her unscripted response to protesters in Michigan so I will say I'm a bit more anxious about how she reacts in the debate than I initially expected. I will say that the longer she waits to do unscripted interviews et al, the bigger the potential impact if she bombs a la Biden.
fukking delusional
I keep hearing the media and republicans saying Trump needs to stay on message and policy. What fukking message or policy does he havehe’s been saying the same shyt for almost 10 years now.