The whiplash from the constant browbeating of
Stop criticizing Biden, you're helping Trump win! I bet you don't vote because you want Trump to win! Stop talking about 3rd party candidates, you're going to help Trump win! Stop bringing up the support for Genocide, do you want Trump to Nuke Gaza?? We must support all corporate Dems, Trump is so close to winning!
From the same posters screaming
Trump has no chance! The polls are meaningless! There's nothing Trump can do to win! Stop posting polls, why are you pretending Trump can win! You must secretly want him to win!
Is it Oochie wally?

Or is it One Mic?
I really hate having to say this over and over again, but polls are
just a tool. You can take it or leave it. It's just data. There is no 100% way to predict how an election will go and so these polls, while flawed, are still the best tool we have for checking the overall temperature of the voters.
Some of you people have no clue how statistics work either. 80% chance of Hillary winning meant that
Trump still had a 20% chance of winning. No one claimed she was going to get 80% of the votes.
The Dem leadership is not sitting around thinking "why do they keep doing these polls, we're definitely winning regardless." The polls just show Biden has some issues he needs to work on before election day if he wants to better his chance of winning. You can argue the polls don't show any reason to worry, but I can guarantee the Biden admin isn't just going to dismiss what the data shows. Arguing that Biden shouldn't make adjustments because you don't trust poll numbers, though? Completely moronic. This site is full of 30 and 40 year olds, and yet so many of you are just mental children.