I was thinking the same thing.Brehs I hope you all aren't falling for this grift again. Democrat with well done, slick ads announces a run against an unpopular republican in a red state. Polls are pushed out (sponsored by the campaign) showing a 3-5 point gap, suggesting a closer race. Democrat candidate takes a position on every national issue imaginable (guns) in order to further juice engagement from out of state liberals, raise record amounts of cash, and go viral on twitter. And then election night comes and the race is called 30 minutes after the polls close, with the democrat losing by 7%+.
One day this is gonna work in a red state that becomes purple, like Georgia or Arizona. But as it stands I see no reason to believe Texas is going purple any time soon thanks to right winger immigrants consolidating the GOP and adopting whiteness. I'd vote for this guy over Cruz if I lived in Texas, and might even send him $10. But that's it. He's gonna get trucked.
I hope people have learned their lesson after Amy McGrath.

And Jaime Harrison.

And Val Demmings.

And Mandela Barnes.

And Stacy Abrams.

And Adam Fisch.

And Beto O'Rourke.