It comes back to coaching again though in that they should've already had a play in the tuck for the situation. Caleb shouldn't have been waiting for a play call they should've fired one in immediately and ready to go and not have the team waiting 10-15 seconds just to get a play call in for that situation. If the coaches knew they had no play ready call a timeout and give yourself time to regroup.You say common sense and everyone keeps saying this ….but when was the last time you saw this? It’s an emergency situation but teams typically would rather not. Bc you significantly raise the chances he’s gona miss that kick under duress
Either way, you have 1 play. I can’t say what I was thinking it in real time bc I only saw the replay, but my thought would be DONT call timeout bc I’d rather get the cheap short pass on a scrambling D THEN call timeout. And 9/10 that’s what would have happened if he just snapped the ball and it bothers me that NOBONE is saying that lol
The D wasn't scrambling. In the two minute drill most Defense are playing pretty base coverage so they won't be confused.