Never made any sense to me how they never had EC3 and Spud worked with each other when they both were in the company
Rock star spud is actually a higher overall talent in every mark and intangible than ec3.
Yet since wwe is bigger is better land dyanmic.
meets clique rules land politically. Neither will amount to be given much that leads anywhere except burial to near burial. As one ec3 is a construct to welled in being an attitude era drawing callback. Done with higher attention to detail with lesser resources. Yet in that since ec3. Never got anyone in wwe.
to agree to allow him to make wwe vulnerable to draw. As the invading legacy of the carter family wink wink.
Then his main drawing component was easily stripped away. Where ec3 really has no other style of workrate or character in his pedigree's background to shift gears. Plus the fact ec3 is damn good.
if not better than anything he was patterned after. As far as quality.
in being a spoof done better of the mcmahon clique dynamic in impact.
As far as rock stst spud.
Rock star spud may arguably be the best in-house reality contest worker whomever lived.
That if a booker with any real smarts. Would have booked to moon and made a rockstar.
Despite playing up bigger is better wwe based mantra and workrates.
Yet since politically clique rules meets bigger is better wwe semantics. Plus the fact rockstar spud was and is not a wwe creation from inception. Plus was created in a rival lesser resourced based company. Spud working in the wwe to the capacity he was allowed. Was merely he was that talented to nav absolute burial.
Plus imo vkm and their staff.
simply showed him mercy.
Yet if rockstar spud continues to stooge in the same manner and level of talent employed by his even higher quality even under burual potential as maverick whatever his wwe name was. Spud will eventually be buried into the oblivion as seth mcgowen meets eugene.
So imo rockstar spud needs to get back to being rockstar spud. Then pitching a rockstar spud versus Darby allin program of greatness.
Where he can gain legs as a bf. To eventually being a stooge bAsed heel with a bad ass faction and a title. Who when necessary can lace them up and go.
Right now clinging to wwe based ideals and their charactwrs who are modeled in low quality wwe carni levels of systemic burial. That both need a revival.
Far from their wwe chatacters.
who were buried by systemic proxy in wwe.
Art Barr