Jean Jacket
In local parlance, people don't view Essex as basically Newark?
If you're from Sacramento County, you're from Sacramento. If you're from Wake County, you're from Raleigh. Only place I've really lived that challenges this is Virginia, but that's because cities aren't in counties in VA, only state in the country where cities are considered entirely separate from county jurisdiction (though there are a few independent city examples across the US, VA the only state that this is statewide policy)...
I want to link you to this other thread too, maybe you can give me some insight into my inquiry about Newark and Jersey City:
2022 Homicides Thread
One thing I'm a believer in, is that the best cities for black people, aren't super violent. Every city has its hot areas and spots but a city like Memphis being 65% black is irrelevant when it has a homicide rate approaching 50... New York will always be an elite city for us because it's
This is a thread about black populations, don't keep that to yourself, dog. Where is it?
DM me.