Anyone got links to this year g1 matches I tried dailymotion with no luck I’m looking
1. Osprey vs Takahashi: 3.5 stars.
2. Taichi vs Jeff Cobb: 4 stars.
3. Ishii vs Suzuki: 4.75 stars.
4. White vs Shingo: 4.25 stars.
4. Okada vs Ibushi: 3.75 stars.
#G1CLIMAX30 #njpw
The Roman Reigns/KO TLC deserves some love
The fact that NOAH is restoring the feeling is simply beautiful. In the midst of a pandemic paranoid driven world, the promotion that once pump the blood of Misawa rises like a falcon from the ashes of doubt
upcoming candidate right here
The Roman Reigns/KO TLC deserves some love