Berniewood Hogan
buying pallets of copies of his own album
buying pallets of copies of his own album
No, they'll fall in line just like they did with Obama. Right @FAH1223?
Fairest indicator is the shift in establishment dem platforms.
I think the argument was that Bernie or bust voters stayed home.A larger portion of Hillary primary voters swung to Mccain than Bernie primary voters to Trump. For all the hype that talking point gets, Bernie voters that switched fell in line with typical norms for any candidate. I would argue that's a more clear comparison no?
Yea, not happening
Biden record so horribleIm confident Joe could beat Trump but anyone besides him or Amy. Biden claiming he gas the most progressive record of anyone needs to be brought up every debate. fukk the moderates, the reaching across the aisle shyt, and all that other p*ssyfooting dems have been on. The Bernies, Yangs, Warrens who are unapologetically tryna get change in our society need to get our time and attention
I think the argument was that Bernie or bust voters stayed home.
Either way, I imagine voters who voted for Hillary and then for McCain did so because he was black. Not because of his policy.
I'm in agreement with you.Agreed that Hillary played race games to try and beat Obama which probably explains a good amount of the shift. But the PUMA crew seems to have been forgotten even though they were the equivalent to Bernie bros (race instead of mysogyny).
People United Means Action - Wikipedia
As far as voters staying home, I'm fairly certain the polling later on showed Obama supporters did a lot of staying home (I remembered to look around for stories on it because I legit blamed the whole PUMA crap from Hillary's failed primary).
What Happened to the Obama Coalition? | VOX Global
Basically, the data I've seen has always seemed to point to Bernie voters being singled out for behavior that's commonplace for supporters of other candidates. But it got exaggerated thanks to the close nature of the race and became a narrative that ignored other relative examples. The other thing on Bernie voters staying home that I rarely see acknowledged is that he got a big boost from Independents who jumped into the party specifically to vote for him, that they abandoned ship after he was out seemed like a foregone conclusion (a significant chunk of these people actually turned on Bernie for even campaigning for Hillary after he lost).
Lemme add though, that I think both sides of the Dems will have a lot better understanding that this is too important to protest vote or risk a loss. But there's a subset of Dems that I could see stepping away if a Bernie or Warren won, since their policies could actually hurt that subset's pockets.
Biden record so horrible
and dumb ass Americans (including some of our own people ) have no clue and are ready to vote for him