Aug 21, 2014
On the flip side of my post people need to stop saying Trump is a sure second term. He won against an equally unpopular establishment candidate aided by historically low voter turnout. Turnout is up in the primaries and should continue going into 2020. As long as the Dems don't run someone like Hillary again they're in a decent spot. The Senate is a bigger concern.
A lot of people forget that there was a good chunk of people who hated both and stayed home sure that Trump was gonna get washed. I dont know how I feel about the midterms but TWO MORE YEARS of Trump fukkery and scandals, mixed with everythiny else thats going on? Trump would have to start a war to have a fighting chance next election.

Or just have the Dems run Hillary again lmao

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
My fukking god, if the Democrats actually run Biden...:mjlol:

Paul Joseph Watson is :hhh: but this video is absolutely disqualifying for Biden. The man is a deviant and a predator.

Like Trump isn't? All of that shyt goes out the window when its Trump vs Biden.
He'd be running against "grab em by the p*ssy" Trump so that negates that argument.
Breh Trump openly lusts after his daughter he can't play the creepy card

:gucci: fukk are y'all talking about? This isn't just about cards and optics, it's about principles. The man has been caught ON VIDEO multiple times inappropriately molesting and harassing girls AS YOUNG AS 8 YEARS OLD. And this is the nikka y'all want to rally around? In this cultural atmosphere? :scust:He doesn't even have hot policies, it's all centrist Clintonian 3rd-way triangulation bullshyt. And even if you don't believe in the moral argument for not supporting a serial sexual harasser, Biden would lose the sexual predator debate to Trump easy. The biggest card against Trump is that he's morally bankrupt. Running another morally bankrupt motherfukker cedes the high ground. Good luck trying to convince women that Trump is bad for them while running the guy who ran the Anita Hill hearings (and is still unrepentant about that), and is molesting kids on camera. I mean damn, at least Trump has sexually harassing grown women, Biden out here touching up LITTE GIRLS on camera. Republicans are salivating at the chance to blanket the airwaves with those clips. Where y'alls heads at? :mindblown: