
Aug 15, 2014
Hot take. You see it online from the internet progressive(aka Bernie Bros). These niccas are gonna sink their candidate's chances. All of them in unison are going after Warren on all manner of mostly bullshyt jack off purity politics.
she's the one who made "no private donor fundraisers" and "no big money" a purity test.

She says big money is bad and corrupts but is clearly skating around it. And I don't agree with the taking big money in the genera. -- you're already going to get billions in free media coverage just by being the nominee. It's an advantage. Hillary a spent a billion, still lost and used some of it to run up the numbers in NOLA and Chicago

'Get the money in early': 2020 donor hunt ignites

While accepting that money won’t violate Warren’s anti-access pledge, it does highlight a shift in the 2020 presidential race. After spending the first months of 2019 fixated on small-dollar online support and adopting rhetoric shunning bigger donors, campaigns are now taking stronger steps to bring wealthy and well-connected supporters into the fold. Jolted by Joe Biden’s splashy $6.3 million first day in the Democratic primary, many of Biden’s rivals are increasingly hungry for bigger donors’ support.

Hardy’s planning is part of a wider effort to help Warren collect big checks: Warren campaign workers are also in touch with other well-connected volunteers who want to raise money for the Massachusetts senator.

Warren, who is careful not to violate the fundraising restrictions that she put on her own campaign, is not attracting the throngs of celebrity support that Biden, Buttigieg and Harris have enjoyed so far.

“We get where she’s coming from,” said Hardy, the Hollywood writer and producer. “She doesn’t want to be associated with the traditional ‘Jeffrey Katzenberg has a big thing at his house’ thing,” referring to the film producer who has raised millions of dollars for Democratic candidates and recently co-hosted a Biden fundraiser.

But a small web of volunteer fundraisers like Hardy, nurtured by Warren’s campaign, is taking shape.

Atlanta-based lawyer David Worley, a longtime member of the Democratic National Committee who was vice chair of John Kerry’s finance committee in 2004, is trying to commit time every day to asking people to give money to Warren’s campaign. Worley said he checks in with Warren’s staff about his efforts.

You don't court the democratic establishment without having to give up some of your principles, how many times do we have to go through this dance

if Liz can't live up to the standards that she set for herself of running a 100% grassroots funded campaign then she shouldn't run on those standards. Just take the money now. She already did it in the past with the vice chairman of Nasdaq. What's point of this year window of "no big money" Elizabeth Warren ripped Joe Biden’s big Philly fund-raiser. Last year, she did an event with some of the same rich donors.

And there's no empirical evidence showing that a bunch of random people online are gonna sink Bernie's campaign. He's getting mocked on cable news everyday and yet he's right behind Biden in Iowa, in a statistical tie for first in NH and first in Nevada in the DNC's last qualifying poll


Aug 15, 2014


Jul 3, 2012

GE Polls gotta be fake

That has got to be the highest number Castro has gotten in any poll so far. I know it is his home state, but still, damn.

Folks are going to spin the hell out of that Bernie number as to why it isn't accurate:mjlol: