King Kreole
natural blondie like goku

To me it seems one candidate is out here with multiple guns while another is out here with a big knife.She's the oneKilling Bernie on policy and no one else is even close to Bernie.
I feel as if a Warren/Gillum ticket (either way, IDC at this point) would be a helluva ticket.
She's gonna make a great VP.If the media focused on policy, Warren would be a constant fixture...she's been bodying the policy game.
my mom told me that in January. I had no idea
i was dying tho when i found out. Weird ass family
Tech is the most powerful, foundational industry in our modern economy. Facebook is our informational/news superhighway, and it has contributed more than any other actor to the dysfunctional state of discourse. The focus should absolutely be on them, but yeah, monopolization and market concentration is a problem across just about every industry. Going after Tech first is cutting the head off the snake. Big tree fall hard.I don't know if the focus should be on tech companies. Do we really care that Facebook bought IG?
Tech is the most powerful, foundational industry in our modern economy. Facebook is our informational/news superhighway, and it has contributed more than any other actor to the dysfunctional state of discourse. The focus should absolutely be on them, but yeah, monopolization and market concentration is a problem across just about every industry. Going after Tech first is cutting the head off the snake. Big tree fall hard.