King Kreole
natural blondie like goku
So Warren should drop out?
So Warren should drop out?
You know if and when Warren wins even one primary the MSM is going to do a full court press on Bernie to drop out for her.So Warren should drop out?
“There’s a concerted effort to equate Warren with Bernie, to make her seem more radical,” says Luigi Zingales, a University of Chicago economist and co-host of the podcast Capitalisn’t. But Wall Street and its allies “are more afraid of her than Bernie,” Zingales continued, “because when she says she’ll change the rules, she’s the one who knows how to do it.”
was this not a fukking two page debate not just long ago in this thread, anyone who takes DNC money in the general - which will be whoever the candidate is - is taking big money.Lol centrists negging cause they can’t face facts. If warren is taking big money in the general then she’s fake you can’t deny it
Like I said it’s coming. He won’t win the General but Pete will be the Nominee
Boomer Trump vs Millennial Pete
Draft Dodger Trump be Vereran Pete
Tall Trump vs Short Pete
Dumbass Trump vs Intelligent Cerebral Pete
2024 will be Cuomo, Kanye, Oprah and Michelle for the Democrats
Like I said it’s coming. He won’t win the General but Pete will be the Nominee