And lol @ Bain being a holy company now despite it being demonized with Romney
But he's thorough chicago south side thoDeval Patrick would have no chance
I'm confused.Safe Beige Establishment Democratic Contigency.
Im just joking about the skin color thing, but let's not act like public relation firms don't do tests and get feedback about what voters will tend to go for. So there is a "type"....but skin color aside all these educated, professionals, with valuable experience and connections have a good shot in post-Obama to at least make a run in primaries and maybe beyond......but since from what I can gather are going to be puppets of the BHO...and not have a single free political thought.........I mean good luck to them.........I'll give anybody a shot, when I know more about their policies.....
so let's see.....but right now give me Tulsi Gabbard/Cynthia McKinney 2020 for a Democratic run... real shiit..
I'm confused.
Why would the DNC pick people to run that have no chance of even seeing a debate?
Deval Patrick is that nicca, Obama was stealing bits from him in 08Deval Patrick would have no chance
soon: "wonder why purity leftists are criticizing a strong, qualified progressive woman of color like Zuck - very revealing"
Tulsi's a weirdo and an opportunist.They better run Tulsi Gabbard...Bernie and Warren are too old and none of the other dems have a chance
Newsom is running for Governor don't worry about him.The minority dems better find someone serious and not an Obama clone before we wind up with Cuomo, Joe Donnelly or Newsom. And I don't want to hear any whining if they do.