Trump ran on:How is the article I posted misinformed propaganda??
Trump is against Free Trade deals (so he claims). That's not Neo-Liberal. Trump is a right-wing populist who shares some policy beliefs with Neo-Liberals (militarism, few regulations on financial institutions) but hates social safety nets more than the typical Neo-Lib.
- Economic austerity through the reduction of deficit spending
- Reducing the size of government
- Eliminating regulations and requiring a 2 to 1 rule for any new regulations
- Decreasing taxes
- Shifting government resources to the private sector to get things done and eliminate waste
- Decreasing public ownership of land so that it can be used by private corporations
- That economic growth is the end all be all of success and thus took steps to cook the economy
- Repeal Obamacare because the government has no place in the Healthcare market because the free market will yield better results
This is textbook neoliberalism