crazy ass liz really might get it done....warren is winning the sistas at this forum. she is killing it.
edit: only candidate to get a standing ovation.
NBC News @NBCNews
Don’t jinx this shytBruh. Warren might pull this shyt off. Like. Real talk.
C'mon fam how do you come ill-prepared to speak to an audience full of black and hispanic what did you expect the topics to be about? How do you look more comfortable speaking to a Fox News audience than the heart and soul of the Democratic Party - black women? Something is up with this dude....either it's his age, stubbornness, or a blind spot for a man that has spent decades only speaking to white people.Is this about Bernie? He just comes across as unprepared when he is off his stump speech. Liz is a teacher and is used to explaining things. Sanders actually did better than usual here. He’s just not very good off the dome. He will have to work on that before the debates.
Damn. Real time of how this old guy just can’t get it done. We gonna have to go through months of the Bernie bros demonizing black people again when he loses the south.
C'mon fam how do you come ill-prepared to speak to an audience full of black and hispanic what did you expect the topics to be about? How do you look more comfortable speaking to a Fox News audience than the heart and soul of the Democratic Party - black women? Something is up with this dude....either it's his age, stubbornness, or a blind spot for a man that has spent decades only speaking to white people.