King Static X

The Realest King (የተከበረው ንጉሥ)
Aug 18, 2017
Kings County
I agree Gillibrand is not going anywhere. It's still too early to predict AOC's career trajectory though. But I feel her only hope for senate is Chuck Schumer leaving/dying in 8 years.
Chuck is definitely going to run for re-election in 2022, especially if Democrats win back the Senate in 2020. 2022 is a much more favorable map for Democrats than 2018. So Democrats could GAIN seats in the Senate.

Chuck will most likely retire in 2028 (he'll be 78) but then again, he could run again. Dianne Feinstein was 85 last year and she still ran for re-election and won. Also, Bernie Sanders ran for re-election last year and he was 77.

Additionally, I just don't see how AOC is going to build a broad coalition. She's going to have to win moderate Dem voters and many Upstate voters in BOTH the primary and the general. I just don't see how she would do that.

Warren Moon

Jun 1, 2014
Nah, you falling line with the centuries old divisions white aristocracy seeded amongst the bottom. They knew economic strife would bring people together, so they broke us on racial lines, folks like you...just like white supremist, racist foreigners, etc all play into this and keep everyone oppressed

Valid point. I used to think the same until I realized everybody against this way of doing things, is doing this exact same thing by stating theyre not doing it.

White liberalism isn't inclusive. They champion policies that supposedly help society as a whole, without accounting for the ppl that would enter into this utopian society at the bottom would remain at the bottom. no matter how much you try to change it after the fact.

If we enter into a M4all framework, blacks will inevitably be behind most other people within this nation due to the systematic oppression we have faced (lack of hospitals in our areas, lack of doctors, education etc) When we have to share the same resources everyone shares equally, blacks will inviability stay at the bottom because we get the same as everyone else, while starting from behind.

The only way to shape "American society"(not a society in which we all start from 0) is to make sure the lowest people in society catch up as much as they can before resources can be distributed equally. Having everyone get the same treatment works well when you're starting for a blank slate, thats why white ppl love Bernie and Liz, they are starting from a blank slate. We are not, we need to work as much as possible just to get as close as possible to get to the "blank slate" status.

American society is not a blank slate for black people, we are generations behind from even trying to be treated like everyone else.

That's true driver of "black progressive" policies. Making sure we get out of the bottom ring of society as much as possible in order to truly utilize the resources given to all when we decided to treat everyone equally.

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