Biden Boyz 2020
I bet Bernie or Liz won’t release theirs.
Breh Biden’s medical history is shyt. He has tons of comorbidities. the fact that he takes blood thinners for a fib/blood clots on top of having an IVC filter and has a history of a brain aneurysms makes it worst. We see him out and about on the campaign trial so that’s pretty great that he’s staying active! Liz only has a history of hypothyroidism. Most women in their 40-50s have hypothyroidism but Liz is in her 70s. She’s taken pretty good care of herself compared to the other older candidates. With that said trump is a gat damn liar! His fat ass probably has a terrible medical history. His blood sugars are probably through the roof with that gut he carries around. Not to mention the diet he consumes and the constant stress he’s always in. Trump is a ticking time bomb and I’m surprised he hasn’t stroked out by now.
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