WALTER did a great Job in 2018. I watch him many years @ wXw and feel kinda happy for him, that he finally takes the step to NXT UK. (AEW would beWatched that Ospreay/Walter match last night. Pretty good, definitely elevated by the crowd, but I was more impressed with OTT production. Not sure how I feel about Walter's war motif considering the last guy with a stupid hair cut who came out of Austria. He needs to grow some facial hair or something. Dudes giant baby look is so disconcerting.

LA Park vs Rush: CMLL Super Viernes
Omega vs Okada: Dominion 6.9
Marty Scurll vs Ospreay - Sakura Genesis
ROH Best in the World 2018: The Young Bucks vs. The Briscoes
Cant find a link ..
and maybe
Daniel Bryan vs Brock Lesnar - Survivor Series