This makes me sick to my stomach.
This is what black people had to go through generations ago (well for 400 years actually..)
These cacs in the south see black men as 'boys' and they are evil af because they can get away with it on some 'my uncle, dad's friend (whoever) works for the police force, courts (whatever) so it'll be fine don't worry..'
These laws they refer to.. they were put in place so killing a black man could be done without real consequence.
Time for black men to basically play those devils at their own game and be prepared mentally and physically that any interaction especially in the South COULD go wrong fast.
We gotta stop this shyt right now!!! This is not just in the god damn south! This is everywhere in fukking America! Dr. king said it himself during the civil rights movement when he went to Chicago, when he went to New York the level of violence he witnessed and was subjected to by the hands of white folks was worse than he was in the south!
Blacks deal with racial injustice and hate crimes everywhere in this damn country! Hispanics hunting blacks in Cali, police literally during what they want to Blacks in Ohio, New York(it’s literally a police state), this isn’t just a south thing!
this country wasn’t meant for us to be treated like human beings! They create laws to continue to treat us like slaves! They got rid of their white robes and they put on white coats to give us bogus medical treatment, black robes to unfairly judge us, Racist children became teachers to teach our children a white washed watered down history! Everywhere!
I don’t know what could fix it but for centuries we’ve been crying and complaining about the same thing! It’s sickening.
I apologize for my language but that video man!
he was literally fighting for his life! The same with Eric Garner Tamir Rice was a kid and they got away with killing him and he was just playing