More proof that y'all are chatty patties, enjoy talking about me and soap opera stories more than you enjoy talking about basketball.
You're fukking full of shyt. I avoided responding to you because it was Easter and I had taken the weekend off The Coli and didn't want to bring up old shyt, but lets lay it out there.
First off, that entire thread was based off the dumbass narrative that "LeBron quit", for all sorts of imaginary reasons, when people were laying plenty of video evidence and numbers that proved he didn't quit. Y'all fantasy was so bad you couldn't even agree which game he quit, some of you were saying Game 6 and others were saying Game 5.
Now, let's go through the narrative arc you claim I made up, point by point.
1. LeBron had been shutting down PP all series until that game.
That was TRUE.
2. Despite LBJ dominating Pierce, the Cavs were getting killed by Rondo which was shifting the narrative to having LeBron guard Rondo instead of Pierce.
That was TRUE.
3. Mike Brown responded as expected and had LBJ guard Rondo in the first half.
That was TRUE. I thought LBJ guarded Rondo for the entire first half, it turns out it was mostly one stretch over the 1st/2nd quarters. So I was partially wrong, it wasn't the whole 1st half, but it was still more than in the other games. And I said that LeBron completely shut down Rondo when he guarded him,
4. When they took LBJ off of Rondo in the 2nd half, Boston went off.
That was TRUE.
5. I thought LeBron was physically fatigued from guarding Rondo as well as mentally fatigued because no matter who he guarded, someone else always went off. I was wrong on the physical fatigue, but I was exactly right with the second part as you saw from above. When LBJ guarded Pierce, he shut him down. When LBJ guarded Rondo, he shut him down. But even while he was shutting guys down, the supporting cast/coaching was such that someone else was always going off. And THAT is what got to him and made him want to leave Cleveland.
I was wrong on LBJ guarding Rondo the whole 1st half when it was only for a short stretch, and I was wrong on the physical fatigue. Y'all were blatantly lying claiming that LeBron quit and you blatantly lying when you said I made the whole story arc up when 80% of what I said about a series of events 10 years ago was right on.
This ain't no quitter. Whole video is full of hustle plays. He wasn't scoring cause he couldn't get a jump shot to fall and Boston was sending 2-3 guys at him every time he went to the hole, but he would have had 12-13 assists if his teammates had made their open shots or not gotten fouled on feeds right the basket
I post actual receipts. You just posted a story based on your own opinion and then tried to claim you had proven something.