2 new details leak about Xbox One


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
The PS4's PSeye camera will retail for $59.99 aka the price of a game.
Kinect 1.0 for Xbox 360 cost more than that

that's your opening line... but somehow it took you 3 times to figure out that i referenced that..

then you can't even figure out that it wasn't the ONLY thing you referenced but ok

my point is still the same... who the fukk cares... the kinect cost $2 to make or $400 to make... either way you still HAVE to have one...

of course nobody asks the companies to give you shyt.. but lets not act like you aren't CLEARLY an xbox fan above and beyond the ps3 or ps4.. gun to your head, pick one... you know which company you ride with... so this thread was nothing more then an attempt to shyt on ps4.. hence your thread title

the problem being... nobody cares about this type of shyt.. stick to the games argument.. nobody cares about this other shyt.. especially when dude right above us pointed out that the headset comment was bullshyt anyway.. ANOTHER thing you referenced

Microsoft will now include a headset with Xbox One - report • News • Xbox One • Eurogamer.net

UPDATED: Xbox One 'includes wired chat headset', claims hardware distributor - VideoGamer.com

Report: Microsoft to now include headset with Xbox One [Update: It won't] - Neowin

Headset will not be bundled with Xbox One

but what's really funny.. is you thinking nobody will complain about having a kinect... see the problem with that theory is none of the other items required living room space.. or caused you to have to move a whole separate unit just to play upstairs, or take on vacation, or anything

just wait till people try playing that shyt in their room without the correct amount of space.. or any other a million complaints that could possibly happen with a brand new system and tag along unit... like that never happened to microsoft launch systems before

but by all means... carry on.. i'm just a fanboy.. playing on my xbox 360 while my ps3 collects dust with both systems pre ordered already... carry on

The camera has been updated. You can use it in a very small area now with any type of lighting.

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
The PS4's PSeye camera will retail for $59.99 aka the price of a game.
Kinect 1.0 for Xbox 360 cost more than that

that's your opening line... but somehow it took you 3 times to figure out that i referenced that..

then you can't even figure out that it wasn't the ONLY thing you referenced but ok

my point is still the same... who the fukk cares... the kinect cost $2 to make or $400 to make... either way you still HAVE to have one...

of course nobody asks the companies to give you shyt.. but lets not act like you aren't CLEARLY an xbox fan above and beyond the ps3 or ps4.. gun to your head, pick one... you know which company you ride with... so this thread was nothing more then an attempt to shyt on ps4.. hence your thread title

the problem being... nobody cares about this type of shyt.. stick to the games argument.. nobody cares about this other shyt.. especially when dude right above us pointed out that the headset comment was bullshyt anyway.. ANOTHER thing you referenced

Microsoft will now include a headset with Xbox One - report • News • Xbox One • Eurogamer.net

UPDATED: Xbox One 'includes wired chat headset', claims hardware distributor - VideoGamer.com

Report: Microsoft to now include headset with Xbox One [Update: It won't] - Neowin

Headset will not be bundled with Xbox One

but what's really funny.. is you thinking nobody will complain about having a kinect... see the problem with that theory is none of the other items required living room space.. or caused you to have to move a whole separate unit just to play upstairs, or take on vacation, or anything

just wait till people try playing that shyt in their room without the correct amount of space.. or any other a million complaints that could possibly happen with a brand new system and tag along unit... like that never happened to microsoft launch systems before

but by all means... carry on.. i'm just a fanboy.. playing on my xbox 360 while my ps3 collects dust with both systems pre ordered already... carry on

Bruh, I didn't read after the bold. And I can STILL answer your unnecessary rant :mj:
I stopped reading because somehow you came to the conclusion I didn't know what you was talking about, even tho I addressed it directly :dwillhuh:
So maybe you should reread my reply. I mentioned PSeye and Kinect 1.0 to put into perspective how highly advanced Kinect 2.0 is.

Once again, this info was not known until this thread was made. I'm actually here talking about all things gaming. You just some dude trying to cry about it :hula: The fact its expensive seems to make you angry. Because of that alone, you not worth my time. Now, I also peeped the links you put up. Yeah, we all know this was a hot fanboy topic 10days ago. At first M$ in its ads said it was included. Then they said that was a mistake hence the articles from 10days ago. Since then, Microsoft is aware of the "topic" and has decided now to include the headset. I get info rather quickly, just trust me. And if they decide against it before launch? Whoopty fukkin doo bruh.
You really wanna argue over a $15 item? I'm telling you it'll be there. When they decide to announce it officially, you won't give a shyt then either. Now do yourself a favor and scram. X.W.O. in dis bytch : boss:

The camera has been updated. You can use it in a very small area now with any type of lighting.
You can use Kinect 1.0 in any type of lighting :hula: The only thing it can't do in the dark is sign you in (won't recognize you) but gameplay wise there is no degradation in the dark (Story Tru)

Now unrelated topic, in my other thread, the Reveal one. I haven't entered that thread in a day or two. I see its still poppin.
But I can't SEE whats poppin...

So I'm abusing nikkaz now :russ: I only defended myself in that thread. If somebody can give me the heads up on what I said, who I destroyed?
I can't remember. Thanks...
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