2 Bears shoot the fair one in High Def, Jake won’t shut the fvck up

The Prince of All Saiyans

Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
May 1, 2012
you think animals would stop and watch humans fight:patrice:
They stop and get out of the rain together



Mark Gassed-A-Heaux
May 16, 2013
The Great Green North
I didn't know Bears was this fast:leon:

I saw a black one run up an embankment last fall and another one run across the highway 2 weeks ago.

No clumsiness, no wasted movement. Just power and speed. Now grizzlies are bigger than black bears, but a fully adult black bear is still a large animal. Regardless, the graceful kinetics are the same throughout all species, and when one decides to book it, it's out. And for a distance as short as a 4 lane highway, to the naked eye it's no different than a white tail deer, in regards to how fast it takes to make it across in 1 sprint.

One more note, the bear I saw run up the embankment? That was around 9:30 pm when I saw that (my brights were on and there was a streetlight illuminating just the right spot for me to see it). The following morning I'm on the same highway heading back home, and within the same vicinity I saw the same bear, but this time on level ground, and it was sitting right near the road. As I'm close to it, she gets up and runs into the woods. You'd think you'd see leaves or brush swaying wildly from the impact of such a large beast running into it. When I tell you the forestry was still as if nothing interrupted it, and that the bear just vanished into the woods without a trace, man I couldn't even believe it myself. I had always known of their straight line speed and great athleticism for their size, but their grace and carefulness as they move around in all manners is absolutely remarkable and probably the most impressive thing about them given their mass. One can be 15 feet behind you walking on grass and you would have no idea it's even there unless you were standing down wind and it was a particularly stink one. And that's only because of the wind-assisted smell, your ears still won't hear him and you won't feel it in your feet either. I know this personally.

They are amazing animals and I wish everyone got a chance to see one up close, even if just from your car on the highway. Regardless of your mood, you see one and you can't help but flash an appreciative smile to nature, both externally & internally.

In case you're wondering how I knew that bear i saw was a female...
About 300 feet up the road from where I saw her, her two cubs ran across the highway from my side to where she was.
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May 17, 2012
I saw a black one run up an embankment last fall and another one run across the highway 2 weeks ago.

No clumsiness, no wasted movement. Just power and speed. Now grizzlies are bigger than black bears, but a fully adult black bear is still a large animal. Regardless, the graceful kinetics are the same throughout all species, and when one decides to book it, it's out. And for a distance as short as a 4 lane highway, to the naked eye it's no different than a white tail deer, in regards to how fast it takes to make it across in 1 sprint.

One more note, the bear I saw run up the embankment? That was around 9:30 pm when I saw that (my brights were on and there was a streetlight illuminating just the right spot for me to see it). The following morning I'm on the same highway heading back home, and within the same vicinity I saw the same bear, but this time on level ground, and it was sitting right near the road. As I'm close to it, she gets up and runs into the woods. You'd think you'd see leaves or brush swaying wildly from the impact of such a large beast running into it. When I tell you the forestry was still as if nothing interrupted it, and that the bear just vanished into the woods without a trace, man I couldn't even believe it myself. I had always known of their straight line speed and great athleticism for their size, but their grace and carefulness as they move around in all manners is absolutely remarkable and probably the most impressive thing about them given their mass. One can be 15 feet behind you walking on grass and you would have no idea it's even there unless you were standing down wind and it was a particularly stink one. And that's only because of the wind-assisted smell, your ears still won't hear him and you won't feel it in your feet either. I know this personally.

They are amazing animals and I wish everyone got a chance to see one up close, even if just from your car on the highway. Regardless of your mood, you see one and you can't help but flash an appreciative smile to nature, both externally & internally.

In case you're wondering how I knew that bear i saw was a female...
About 300 feet up the road from where I saw her, her two cubs ran across the highway from my side to where she was.