the problem with the ratings is this:
too many years of behind the scenes pandering and ass kissing have caught up to WWE.
Leading up to the Monday Night Wars, WWE was more or less a show that gave the people what they wanted.
if a well developed talent was over enough with the fans, Vince ran with it. Simple as that. Hogan had the belt for YEARS. When someone came along that was more over, Hogan had to drop that belt.
If a talent wasnt well developed or enough but was over, Vince gave them a little creative control just to see what happened. This resulted in Rocky Maivia becoming The Rock, The Ringmaster becoming Stone Cold... off of one single promo.
Sure we had instances of Shawn screwing Bret and shyt... but I digress.
Now, the person who gets the strap or the spotlight or the push, it's the person who's closest to Vince and Trips.
Do we REALLY want to see HHH's oiler buddy Sheamus feud with Vince's Chosen One, Del Rio? Nope.
How pissed were you when DBRY's "YES" chants started getting edited out of shows?
Think the world don't know Punk is a paper champion? Don't it seem like Vince gave Punk the belt just so he wouldn't leave, but still put Cena in the main event because he makes the merchandise money?
How bout when Punk cut that promo and HHH came and put the spotlight on himself for no reason? Hell, HE was the only person in the ring for a second there... the rest of the wrestlers had "walked out".
Orton getting slaps on the wrist for wellness violations?
Johnny Ace ordering women wrestlers out of lingerie catalogs and then giving them the belt, cause really... who gives a shyt about the women's belt?
Hell, I REALLY feel that Vince has been buying up wrestlers like Kings of Wrestling, Jon Moxley, Sara Del Rey... just to let them collect dust.
If you as a fan feel a certain way, how do you think those mid-carders feel? They actually work there.
Vince and Trips' egos have virtually destroyed the WWE.
Right now they're DESPERATELY trying to find something that works. If the crowd likes it, they just throw it out there and run it in the ground. This is the reason, IMO, behind AJ trying to revive the YES chants... but it's too late.
So yeah. 3 hour show. PLEASE watch us.
As long as Vince is in control and lets his friends and family do what they want, WWE may as well be WCW under Russo and Hogan.
...and you wanna blame the ratings dip on Punk being champ.
*goes to watch Hardcore Justice*
too many years of behind the scenes pandering and ass kissing have caught up to WWE.
Leading up to the Monday Night Wars, WWE was more or less a show that gave the people what they wanted.
if a well developed talent was over enough with the fans, Vince ran with it. Simple as that. Hogan had the belt for YEARS. When someone came along that was more over, Hogan had to drop that belt.
If a talent wasnt well developed or enough but was over, Vince gave them a little creative control just to see what happened. This resulted in Rocky Maivia becoming The Rock, The Ringmaster becoming Stone Cold... off of one single promo.
Sure we had instances of Shawn screwing Bret and shyt... but I digress.
Now, the person who gets the strap or the spotlight or the push, it's the person who's closest to Vince and Trips.
Do we REALLY want to see HHH's oiler buddy Sheamus feud with Vince's Chosen One, Del Rio? Nope.
How pissed were you when DBRY's "YES" chants started getting edited out of shows?
Think the world don't know Punk is a paper champion? Don't it seem like Vince gave Punk the belt just so he wouldn't leave, but still put Cena in the main event because he makes the merchandise money?
How bout when Punk cut that promo and HHH came and put the spotlight on himself for no reason? Hell, HE was the only person in the ring for a second there... the rest of the wrestlers had "walked out".
Orton getting slaps on the wrist for wellness violations?
Johnny Ace ordering women wrestlers out of lingerie catalogs and then giving them the belt, cause really... who gives a shyt about the women's belt?
Hell, I REALLY feel that Vince has been buying up wrestlers like Kings of Wrestling, Jon Moxley, Sara Del Rey... just to let them collect dust.
If you as a fan feel a certain way, how do you think those mid-carders feel? They actually work there.
Vince and Trips' egos have virtually destroyed the WWE.
Right now they're DESPERATELY trying to find something that works. If the crowd likes it, they just throw it out there and run it in the ground. This is the reason, IMO, behind AJ trying to revive the YES chants... but it's too late.
So yeah. 3 hour show. PLEASE watch us.
As long as Vince is in control and lets his friends and family do what they want, WWE may as well be WCW under Russo and Hogan.
...and you wanna blame the ratings dip on Punk being champ.
*goes to watch Hardcore Justice*