Your objective semi-troll
I get what you're saying but I understand @2 Cold Taurus on this when they are using garbage basic schoolboy rollups.Doesn't have to be a rollup -- even thoughand Styles had a piff match that ended in a small package at the 2019 Rumble, for one -- but it helps add to the "realism" that any move at any time could end a match. Dean Malenko became
on the strength of being able to end a match with a litany of holds, or at the very least, any one of 3-5 pet moves. AJ Styles has three KNOWN ways he can end a match. Neville had like three or four known ways he could end a match as Cruiserweight Champion.
Variety isn't a horrible thing.
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I don't mind matches ending with signatures or even tertiary power moves (why Seth rarely won with the Superplex/Falcon Arrow is beyond me)
But even with pins you can get more creative than a schoolboy (thinking non-move finishes like Bret/Austin from SS96 or even when Owen beat Bret.) There are ways