They will be in the fast laneThat WrestleMania card is going to lookwith how quickly most of the matches will be planned.
Samoan Slaughterhouse
Even though Tamina is Fijian
I can't agree with that... I fukks with all 3 versions of The Shield:
Damn I’m only 3 years younger than Flair but I still wanna try putting my old wrinkly dikk In Bayley and Sasha’s mouth at the same time n
It's kinda the current storyline on Being The Elite with everyone beating the hell out of pervert Joey Ryan and The Buck and Cody saving him everyweekThey shoulda played it like Ambrose gettin beatdown each week by Hoss Inc, then he challenge em to a fight at Mania, Roman makes his return there.
I’m da GOAT booker
How cold does it get there? It's been crazy in Canada this yearAll the smoke. ..
even in the midst of Minnesota winter