The Rainmaker
Mr. Money in the Bank
I don't know cause if you look at the timing, that train went off the tracks while Roman was still (presumably) in treatment. I think if the heel turn is in the bushes it's more like they saw that it wasn't working (cause they fumbled the ball on that almost immediately) and may be trying to pivot to something that will at least let Dean go out on a high note (if they go with another Shield reunion) . Cause, I mean...can we call Dean's heel turn anything other than a flop when it started out with nuclear heat and the end result was "this is boring" chants during what was *supposed* to be the pivotal match?
But honestly, I don't know that they've thrown his heel turn entirely out the window cause who knows where this weirdness with him and EC3 is gonna go before it's all over.
You were saying?