That makes no sense... he's an a$$hole... a proud a$$hole... who's supposed to help an a$$hole? Ain't Anderson's gimmick is that nobody supposed to like him? Why would ANYONE help him out? Makes no sense to me, so it's business as usual in TNA.
It's like a gang jumping someone but still accepting them into the fold. Anderson was jumped prior to BFG 2012. Sting needed a tag partner for his match against the Aces and he originally chose Anderson until he was jumped then he chose Bully. Anderson felt like he'd been cast aside and forgotten about. Similar to how Devon felt when TNA let his contract run out and they stripped him of the TV title. They both felt like TNA let them down so they joined the Aces. Devon originally fought against the Aces until it was made clear to him that TNA didn't care about him enough to renew his contract.
There's a lot of layers to the story it just has went on too long and it's like hard to really care about it anymore. I like long story archs but they have to be interesting at the same time.