1st Annual Memorial Day Purge

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Hong Kong Phooey
May 2, 2012
Tag someone who deserves to be banned and link one of their posts to support your claim


Ladies - if you don’t have supporting documentation for a ban request, I also accept nudes
Do I get banned for saying ban me if the Celtics don't win The Finals? :manny:

Pull Up the Roots

I have a good time when I go out of my mind..
Sep 15, 2015

This dude @Camile.Bidan

FYI to those reading this thread:

Camille.Bidan is also Principality of Zeon in my sig

honestly, I feel sorry for him.

He was trying to do right, and he had media attack and lambast him.

He is painted as a white racist when his grant grandfather was black. What did he do that was so wrong? He defended himself against an Aggressor. If I was in his shoes, I feel I may have done the same thing.

If he had shot someone of another race, I don't think anyone would have cared at all. that is true shame of this case.

Black people are scary. Let's be honest. I'm being honest with myself here. They put fear into my heart. When I see them on the street, I am scared. When I am scared, I react with instinct and emotion--not logic and reason. That's why I feel empathetic.

As a non-black, I remember how it was in school. How black kids would rob and pick on those that were weaker than them. I felt like they hated everyone. I remember the violence, and how we all banded together to defend ourselves. I'm not the only one who experienced this. Millions of others in the public school system went through the same thing. We are conditioned to hate and to fear through our experiences, and every time we are put into situations where our lives (we think) is in danger, those experiences push us to do things that we wouldn't otherwise.

We're animals and we're programed to behave a certain way--a predictable way. I can't blame Zimmerman reacting the way he did. I don't think he is a evil person, and I don't think he deserves this ridicule.

Call me a troll. Call me crazy.. I don't really care. That is how I feel on the subject.

I've met and spoken to all kinds of people. The most racist people I've met: from least to most racist

Most racist

1) Africans (especially Nigerians and Ethiopians )
2) East Asians ( Koreans and Chinese are the most racist)
3) African Americans ( they are the most vocal racists especially towards Mexicans,Asians and Arabs )
4) lower class whites ( cool to your face /very racist behind closed doors)
5) Arabs ( more ignorant than anything)

Least racist

1) Indians ( as long as you have a good job or education, race doesn't matter)
2) Filipino and other American born Asians ( very accepting towards everyone)
3) Mexican immigrants( little racists towards blacks but that's it)
4) Middle class to higher class whites ( very anti-racist and to a troubling extreme)
5) Jews ( every Jew I have met has been very cool and very anti racist, but I don't live on the east coast)

I have worked I blue collar jobs for 7 years and white collar professional jobs for 8 years. I have worked with people of all types of races, religions, and ethnic backgrounds.

I lived in Mexican, black, Asian neighborhoods, white neighborhoods. Moreover, I lived the most diverse cities in America.

whites aren't the most racist people. they have the most power in our society, and because of that their racism stings more. Objectively, they are not the most racist people by far.

I am Asian, and I have been called gook or chink by Blacks far more often than whites. Blacks are far more likely to assume that I know a foreign language, or bring up stuff like Kung pao chicken within the first 5 minutes of meeting me.

Not all blacks are like that, but if they have any sort of "hood" in them, their outward and overt racism can be very predictable.
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