FACTSthese fakkits are always lying that "democrats are the party of slavery", but only one party is proud of the confederacy in 2024. and it isn't the democrats
FACTSthese fakkits are always lying that "democrats are the party of slavery", but only one party is proud of the confederacy in 2024. and it isn't the democrats
Republicans control the House and can move bills and initiatives forward at their will. This is how our system of government works. Jeffries is a minority speaker (no pun).Sorry you missed the point.
Edit: Hakeem Jeffries first statement in the vid was about bipartisanship. Republicans make it known what they are about. I was talking about the overall picture.
But what about the democrats..Hillary's email server and blah blah blah
Are monuments to slavers tangible? :I’m ok with this, as long as they give us our tangibles when Trump gets back in office.
But those aren't his only choices. House Minority Leader under a president of the same party is no small thing, don't infantilize the man. Passivity is a choice.Jeffries can only use his words under our current constitutional arrangement. Mocking him in this situation seems odd to me unless you like what republicans did here, and appreciate the voters who handed them the power to disrespect us.
I'm sure @Rakim Allah agrees as he loves seeing the momumemts of the confederate army on display. Ain't that right brother AllahThis isn't a tangible.
But those aren't his only choices. House Minority Leader under a president of the same party is no small thing, don't infantilize the man. Passivity is a choice.
Jeffries is noted for his ability to work with Democrats across the caucus and Republicans on shared goals. Considered a centrist, he has said he is willing to work with Republicans "whenever possible, but we will also push back against extremism whenever necessary." He also maintains good working relationships with more progressive Democrats.[62] In the 117th Congress, he voted with President Joe Biden's stated position 100% of the time according to a FiveThirtyEight analysis.[63]
In an interview with NY1, Republican former U.S. Representative Bob Goodlatte said of Jeffries: "One of the best skills a legislator can have is to be willing to communicate with anybody in a constructive way about how to get things done. And that's exactly the approach that he's taken", calling Jeffries "open to compromise".[34]
Hakeem Jeffries - Wikipedia
Welp. That explains that. The guy in charge of the party likes playing nice with Republicans.
Wtf do you want Jeffries to do here? Drop the congressional version of “they not like us” against republicans @12am on social media and music platforms???But those aren't his only choices. House Minority Leader under a president of the same party is no small thing, don't infantilize the man. Passivity is a choice.
Jeffries is noted for his ability to work with Democrats across the caucus and Republicans on shared goals. Considered a centrist, he has said he is willing to work with Republicans "whenever possible, but we will also push back against extremism whenever necessary." He also maintains good working relationships with more progressive Democrats.[62] In the 117th Congress, he voted with President Joe Biden's stated position 100% of the time according to a FiveThirtyEight analysis.[63]
In an interview with NY1, Republican former U.S. Representative Bob Goodlatte said of Jeffries: "One of the best skills a legislator can have is to be willing to communicate with anybody in a constructive way about how to get things done. And that's exactly the approach that he's taken", calling Jeffries "open to compromise".[34]
Hakeem Jeffries - Wikipedia
Welp. That explains that. The guy in charge of the party likes playing nice with Republicans.
Sorry you don't get my point. Don't worry about it.Republicans control the House and can move bills and initiatives forward at their will. This is how our system of government works. Jeffries is a minority speaker (no pun).
Jeffries can only use his words under our current constitutional arrangement. Mocking him in this situation seems odd to me unless you like what republicans did here, and appreciate the voters who handed them the power to disrespect us.