18 year old Navaeh Crane in Texas dies due to infection caused by dead fetus. Refused admittance by ER’s 3 times fearing abortion laws.

Pure Water

May 12, 2014
Disclaimer: (Because ppl are sensitive) I'm for the 100% access to abortion.

That being said; it's sick that people are now turning every "death by baby" into a national story to make a point.

These account for less than 3% (abortions due to danger to mother).

America watch a school of children get shot up and didn't want to change anything about it.

This isn't moving people legitimately anti-abortion. Most women used abortion as simply birth control and that's how most people look it at--irresponsiblity.

We actually should be fixing our healthcare system, because this is horrible.


Disclaimer: (Because ppl are sensitive) I'm for the 100% access to abortion.
States are ran like mini countries. This is a state ban due to no federal law being passed on abortion because it was (until recently) always thought to be protected under Roe v Wade.

It's important to broadcast this stuff because it's one party (Republicans) whose goal it is to strip these right away from women. The only way for women to get their rights back is to vote. Vote to remove republicans from their state positions and vote to prevent Republicans from the presidency.

America has watched schools get shot up but it's one party that refuses to do something (Republicans). Again, it's very important for this to be national news to get people angry about this type of stuff to hopefully/eventually vote Republicans out.

It's not about moving people from being anti-abortion. It's about getting complacent people off their ass and getting them up to do their civic duty and vote.

And you can't fix a healthcare system with a party that does not want it fixed (Republicans). Complacent people have to get up and vote.

This stuff takes time.


Aug 17, 2014
Disclaimer: (Because ppl are sensitive) I'm for the 100% access to abortion.

That being said; it's sick that people are now turning every "death by baby" into a national story to make a point.

These account for less than 3% (abortions due to danger to mother).

America watch a school of children get shot up and didn't want to change anything about it.

This isn't moving people legitimately anti-abortion. Most women used abortion as simply birth control and that's how most people look it at--irresponsiblity.

We actually should be fixing our healthcare system, because this is horrible.


Disclaimer: (Because ppl are sensitive) I'm for the 100% access to abortion.
Has it occurred to you that the people who vote against changing anything to stop gun violence are also the SAME people who vote to outlaw abortion and birth control? So what point are you trying to make?
Sep 15, 2015
Chase U
Dude I was telling my girlfriend about this and she got upset. Abortion is one of those issues that Democrats use to gain power. They can keep making it an issue ever election cycle to garner support. They only want to *fix* it so much.

Obama was 1 - 2 months into his first term and decided that abortion was "not a top priority issue".

Democrats care but they care more about maintaining power and if they can dangle the carrot in front of women to keep then in then it's all good.
I think it is misunderstanding of the time to make this claim. The fight for the ACA was the first time that I *really* paid attention to the process, and it was a "bloody" fight.

How is this even the same thing? Y'all are way to busy trying to "both sides" everything that you are missing the bigger picture.

The framing that he refused to do it is extremely misleading. At the time, Roe was firmly established precedent, especially after decades of Supreme Court rulings that reaffirmed it. He likely looked at the Court's makeup during his first term and saw it as relatively stable, with Roe considered settled law. This perception likely gave him reason to believe that abortion rights were not in immediate danger. Given that perception, codifying Roe into law wasn't seen as an urgent fight, given the protections already in place under the judicial precedent. Instead, Obama used his political capital on the central issue of his campaign - healthcare reform. He expended his influence and legislative resources, particularly when navigating through Congress.

Codifying Roe would likely have sparked an immediate and intense partisan fight, potentially undermining efforts to secure healthcare reform, which was already facing strong opposition from Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats.

In hindsight, it's clear that he underestimated the long-term threat to Roe posed by changes in the Supreme Court. However, his decision was shaped by the political realities of the time, where he made the calculation that getting healthcare done would have a more immediate impact.
May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
Dude I was telling my girlfriend about this and she got upset. Abortion is one of those issues that Democrats use to gain power. They can keep making it an issue ever election cycle to garner support. They only want to *fix* it so much.

Obama was 1 - 2 months into his first term and decided that abortion was "not a top priority issue".

Democrats care but they care more about maintaining power and if they can dangle the carrot in front of women to keep then in then it's all good.

BTW this story is sad. Being a Texan we need better healthcare systems to help young women like this. Democrats want to jump to abortion = healthcare. Not really.

We need better healthcare systems overall from beginning to term. Also most abortion aren't these outlier issues and I despise them for framing them as such because it's so intellectually dishonest and it redirects away from the real issue of HEALTHCARE being bad in our country.

I'm pro-choice BTW because I don't think we should tell people what to do but I'm not really *for* abortion as a form of "healthcare" if that makes sense.
Didnnt read


the cac mamba

May 21, 2012
meh dems are exaggerating for political reasons
The treatment for sepsis isn't abortion
it was a misdiagnosis
this is bullshyt. this girl would be alive in california

these laws are icing these doctors out when they see a woman come in with a bump. they're scared of some fukking thug like ken paxton putting them in prison

Jean toomer

Oct 15, 2015
I had to look this shyt up and she was from Vidor -- arguably the most notorious sundown town in Texas. Easily MAGA paradise, I wonder how the community down there is reacting :jbhmm:
They’ll go to church on Sunday with thoughts and prayers for her and the dead babies soul, watch fox on Monday, vote for Trump on Tuesday.

Formerly Black Trash

Philosopher, Connoisseur, Future Legend
Aug 2, 2015
Disclaimer: (Because ppl are sensitive) I'm for the 100% access to abortion.

That being said; it's sick that people are now turning every "death by baby" into a national story to make a point.

These account for less than 3% (abortions due to danger to mother).

America watch a school of children get shot up and didn't want to change anything about it.

This isn't moving people legitimately anti-abortion. Most women used abortion as simply birth control and that's how most people look it at--irresponsiblity.

We actually should be fixing our healthcare system, because this is horrible.


Disclaimer: (Because ppl are sensitive) I'm for the 100% access to abortion.
bytch ass dude