'18 Midterms: Dems win House by largest midterm raw vote margin ever


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
There isn't a large sample size. Millennials are not generation X which was super apathetic and was raised by bum ass selfish boomers exclusively. For one, most millennials made about 30k and are working or in school and are much less likely to make it to go vote without having early voting. Democrats have failed in that outreach post 2008. Second, millennials showed in 2008, got angry and disheartened by 2010. Showed up in 2012 largely just because Obama was black and then didn't show up in 2014 at a historic number when Dems were lame ducks. So basically you have 2 midterms and 2 presidential years. During neither off year did Dems give millennials a reason to vote. Millennials don't bytch about options during midterms, they don't participate period. The internet does not equal offline. You guys are.conflsting activists who do vote with their peers who think you're all full of shyt. Sanders won millennials by Appealing to their sense of skin in the game. Most democratic arguments towards millennials are about symbolic moves, not economic ones. Millennials are the only age group told to vote strictly on moral grounds.
nikka nothing you just said had anything to do with my post. You seem to forget that I live in Maryland, the state that sat home in 2014 because everyone was bytching about the democratic candidate for governor, and we ended up with Larry Hogan. We completely Jersey'd ourselves.

I. do. not. put. my. trust. in. election. turnouts. because. I. do. not. trust. people.
  1. So to sit here and point at the trends this year means absolutely shyt when it's the trends in contested districts/counties/states that matters.
  2. The democrats are not turning out less than 65million voters in 2020. But that does not matter if the voters all reside in new york, california, oregon, washington, maryland, new jersey, and massachusetts.
  3. The fact that we're even arguing about midterm turnout tells you how shytty the democratic base is. We've already built in the "well it's midterms so voter turnout will be lower" excuse.
P.S I've been meaning to respond to the conversation between you, @Call Me James a few pages back.

Just remember, according to the philosophy of losers, midterm elections see a downturn.

Good luck. :mjlol:


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Like yo, I know I'm not going crazy right now. The dems won the popular vote at the national level BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT YOU SHOULD DEPEND ON TO CHANGE THE WORLD.

This is not about elections. This is not about impeaching Trump. This is about changing the fukkn world - AND PEOPLE ARE STILL STAYING HOME!

How quickly we forget.....

This is why we can’t have nice things. Not because they are taken from us. Or hidden from us. Or placed behind a thousand-foot wall we can’t scale. Nope, sometimes black people can’t have nice things because we steadfastly, inexcusably, sabotage ourselves with apathy and ignorance.

On Tuesday night, James K. Knowles—the inept, whitesplaining, cop-coddling, Mike Brown-denigrating mayor of Ferguson, Mo.—was re-elected. He beat out Ella Jones, a black woman and member of the City Council, by fewer than 600 votes. This is just a few weeks after Tishaura Jones, the city treasurer, lost her bid to be St. Louis mayor by a mere 888 votes.

James Knowles, a 37-year-old white man who’s been in office for the last seven years, has now won three elections for mayor of Ferguson and two elections since the unrest and protests in the fall of 2014 over the killing of Brown. There are more than 24,000 residents in Ferguson, and the city’s population is more than 70 percent African American.

Ella Jones, who was elected to the City Council in 2015 running on a platform of forcing local police to keep cameras on at all times, demographically and statistically should have won this election going away. And yet ...

Ferguson mayor’s race:

Ella Jones:

1,467 votes

43.7 percent

James W. Knowles III:

1,889 votes

56.3 percent

With 100 percent of precincts voting, and all the votes counted a total of 3,727 people voted. There are no reports of massive voter intimidation, fraud or ballot-stealing. The people in Ferguson either don’t know, don’t show or don’t care about who runs their city.

shyt is disgusting. fukk talking about the republicans man. I'm tired of that. I've been tired of that. We have some seriously shytty people on some bandwagon ho shyt on our side.


Apr 30, 2012
nikka nothing you just said had anything to do with my post. You seem to forget that I live in Maryland, the state that sat home in 2014 because everyone was bytching about the democratic candidate for governor, and we ended up with Larry Hogan. We completely Jersey'd ourselves.

I. do. not. put. my. trust. in. election. turnouts. because. I. do. not. trust. people.
  1. So to sit here and point at the trends this year means absolutely shyt when it's the trends in contested districts/counties/states that matters.
  2. The democrats are not turning out less than 65million voters in 2020. But that does not matter if the voters all reside in new york, california, oregon, washington, maryland, new jersey, and massachusetts.
  3. The fact that we're even arguing about midterm turnout tells you how shytty the democratic base is. We've already built in the "well it's midterms so voter turnout will be lower" excuse.
P.S I've been meaning to respond to the conversation between you, @Call Me James a few pages back.

Just remember, according to the philosophy of losers, midterm elections see a downturn.

Good luck. :mjlol:

What the fukk are you talking about my nikka? You literally just ignored everything I said and went on some tangent. You just wanted to get your shyt off.

Edit: Aight, I got 15 minutes so let's spar if you're around. First and foremost, I don't need a turnout lecture and you know it so spare me that. When I'm speaking on these things I'm talking about changing things. What you just said literally makes no sense and is a loser's mentality. In essence, your argument is because of the fact that young people have not turned out in past elections, they will never turnout. Except, them doing the exact opposite of that is how Dems got 60 seats. So your argument is that I am wrong for pointing out the flaws in Democratic outreach in recreating what happened only 10 years ago while having a higher percentage of young people than before...who are even more left than then. Okay...

Why did people show up in 2008? They bought into a narrative about a new america. Why don't they show up now? Work, school, lack of awareness, apathy, loss of the right via prison record and distrust. These people you're shytting on are crucial to how Dems just won all those seats in Virginia. So instead of joining me in fixing the problem, you would rather sit and bytch.

In other words, you're claiming that the entire current Democratic outreach effort being practiced by people like my guy who is Mayor of Birmingham is frivolous. My argument has never changed. Young people think voting is bullshyt, we need them to change the country, how do we get them? You do realize the majority of people who didn't vote say they don't regret it right? My point was to tap into their pockets and that sense. Moreover, your whole politics is local spiel is ridiculous when they entire Democratic Party"s campaigning philosophy since 2008 was to either make the races about Obama and the national psrty or to differentiate. Further, there is widespread consistency among millennials views across districts in regard to college, the environment, wages, criminal justice and healthcare. They are the one demographic where it is actually appropriate to speak to in terms of national issues. As far as local issues go, of course, those are there, politics are indeed local more often than not, but there is a reason why republicans are trying to make it so college kids cannot vote on campus. They liberalize the politics of their areas. And to my final point, which was actually about local politics that you misunderstood, I will reiterate. People are driven my things that effect their pockets more than anything else if they are aware of it. Older people will go vote for tax purposes, to dictate where the state money goes, etc. Young people are told to go vote to save the district's soul and maybe they'll get a few programs. You don't trust people and they don't trust politicians to effectuate any change. It is a self fulfilling prophecy. But don't imply that the efforts of my friends energizing progressives and young people nationwide since Trump's election is for naught.

I have no idea what you're talking about. I am literally here talking about how to reverse the trend by saying the sample size is small and it doesn't have to be that way and you're just...nikka I don't know what you're doing.
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