.MIDTERMS 2018[/paste:font]
Poll: Blackburn edges ahead of Bredesen in tight Tennessee Senate contest
Among likely voters, Blackburn leads 51 percent to 46 percent
I saw a poll last week that had her up 12.Poll: Blackburn edges ahead of Bredesen in tight Tennessee Senate contest
Praying for an upset next Tuesday.
Tennessee is gonna Tennessee. Marsha Blackburn is the female Trump.Poll: Blackburn edges ahead of Bredesen in tight Tennessee Senate contest
Praying for an upset next Tuesday.
That was a trash poll.I saw a poll last week that had her up 12.
Nate Silver @NateSilver538
Here's some data on how Democrats are way over-performing in the Midwest, relative to other regions. We're showing a net gain of +14 D house seats in the Midwest. Although, note that they're projected to make gains in the other regions too. https://53eig.ht/2ETnmVU
1:52 PM - 30 Oct 2018