Spontaneous Mishaps and Hijinks
Don’t really on polls or projections from people unless you know the data they’re using!!!! Unless it’s from google search people will 100% lie about their voting affiliations to hide their; liberal politics, conservative politics, racism etc. nobody lies to GOOGLE!!!!! Hit up google trends for your area and put the candidates name in order IE Polis Stapleton debate if you wanted to see Jared Polis support, Stapleton Polis debate if you wanted to see Walker Stapleton support....Colorado governor.
All that being said voting in Colorado is literally insane compared to voting in Illinois. They mail you your ballot 3wks in advance, with an entire packet on each issue, state’s judicial review on each justice etc. then they have people that come to your house and ask if you’ve voted, if not do you need a ballot or can they pick yours upshyts crazy it’s like they want people to vote lol. ESP crazy seeing how they’re literally suppressing 1-900k votes in GA. This country is at a breaking point.
They’re treating brehs like that in Colorado?