he supported the repub driven gerrymander so the black vote would be dilluted in his district when he had a black challenger

They won't. Too p*ssy.Dems could win big if they use the Republican playbook
They won't. Too p*ssy.
Just like at this time in 2016 when Scalia died, McConnell said the GOP had a very bright year ahead. He was right.
They know the dark money, the $400M Koch money, the RNC's huge war chest will serve to manipulate the public much more effectively... esp close to the election. Oh, and don't forget the gerrymandering, voter ID laws...
Trump's idiocy will be the reason why the Dems even stand a chance.
Just like at this time in 2016 when Scalia died, McConnell said the GOP had a very bright year ahead. He was right.
They know the dark money, the $400M Koch money, the RNC's huge war chest will serve to manipulate the public much more effectively... esp close to the election. Oh, and don't forget the gerrymandering, voter ID laws...
Trump's idiocy will be the reason why the Dems even stand a chance.
Where's that USC poll atFi
fukk that poll shyt was wrong as hell for the election