Wow, wtf.
She's really pretty. Hope she recovers mentally from this. She looks miserable.
What are his parents saying?
What type of lawyer even defends this?
Don't be weird
Wow, wtf.
She's really pretty. Hope she recovers mentally from this. She looks miserable.
What are his parents saying?
What type of lawyer even defends this?
dude was preparing to enter the military.
And the military has plenty of dudes like this
Keep your rhetoric out of this thread breh as this ain’t itAll Imma say is....
Y'all notice that when she woke up, she didn't wait 10 or 20 years to report it? Even though she was in literal fear for her life?
A word to the wise is sufficient.
I can't imagine the shame of being that kids parents.
I'd have to eliminate him myself if that was my son. I can't bear knowing I was responsible in some way for unleashing a monster like that into the world.
Minimum 16 years.
He'll be 33.